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"One in three of us are impacted by drunk driving."

​We want to hear your story. Have you or a loved been affected by an impaired driving crash? Email us at projects@iam1N3.org with your story, pictures, media, and anything pertaining to the impaired crash so that we can add your story to our site.

"I am one 1N3. My niece is now serving time in jail as a result of drunk driving. She was intoxicated and was involved in an accident that took a precious souls life. ( Kevin “Sunshine” Yates) The impact is this. That we as a ministry family have gotten to see first hand the Power of God manifested in this situation. And, as with Jesus, This tragedy will end in triumph, for many will come to the kingdom as a result of this incident. Our families will come together and win the battle for our youth and many others. As with Jesus, Kevin, your blood will not have been shed in vain. Much love to you Tiki Finlayson and your family. Thank you that through this incident, we have seen, Jesus ♥"

Faith McDonald

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